Vislow Resort, Wisła

Vislow Resort, Wisła
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Bar & Café

A perfect place for a quick morning espresso, as well as a lazy afternoon cappuccino. Here, we slow down; we stop to remember the taste of coconut tart with white chocolate and currants; to savor every sip of aromatic coffee; to feel the atmosphere created by the interiors of our cafe; to smile at the barista and tell her about your day.

Yes, we have the best service and yes – if there’s no queue at the bar, they’ll always chat with you for a while. Or more, as it often happens. But that's why we love our guests. And yes, that's how we strive to be. Not pushy, but open; relaxed but still polite. And that’s why you love us too.

Let's start with our display case!

Our cakes are true masterpieces of pastry art. And we dare to say so because we know that here, quality and the naturalness of the ingredients go hand in hand with taste and appearance. Tarts, because that's what we like the most – we present the fabulous Snickers tart, and also the Banoffee tart – you'll stop at the first bite.

We also love cheesecakes! The mango one is perfect for summer days, and of course, the blueberry one too... Delicious! And who is responsible for this indulgence? Bikej Cafe bakes these marvels for us because: a) they do it best in the world! b) we have good relations with our neighbors, and although Bikej is 10 km away, they are close to our taste buds.

Since the "less waste" principle is also close to our standards, you'll find something different in the display case each time, but never everything at once. We have one, two, or three cakes for you to choose from, which are always fresh and which you will DEFINITELY enjoy.

Gdzie na kawę w Wiśle? Oczywiście do nas!

Aromatyczne ziarna kawy mielimy od Julius Meinl – to z nich powstają latte, flat white, americano, a latem mrożone kompozycje.

Każdą z nich możecie wzbogacić syropem – karmel, kokos, czy wanilia? A jeśli z mleczkiem, to dajcie znać, jeśli ma być zrobiona na mleku bez laktozy lub roślinnym: migdałowym, owsianym, kokosowym,
lub waniliowym (tak, wiemy, dużo tego).
Ale ile głosów i potrzeb, tyle naszych odpowiedzi.

Something good

Not only does man live by coffee! Bar dishes – so obvious, but in our menu, it's our interpretation of them.

Beef burger – just choose your preferred doneness and decide whether with jalapeno pepper or in a mild version. If you still want a burger but are vegetarian – we recommend the pumpkin option, with blue cheese, roasted beetroot, and ginger dip (yes, we will surprise you more than once with our flavor combinations!). There is also a very simple, but oh so tasty option! Chebureki with mushrooms and cheese is a national dish of the Crimean Tatars, which made its way to Ukraine and there became a huge delicacy. With wine, be sure to order a platter of regional cheeses, they will enhance each other’s flavors and create combinations worth noting.

A wide range of alcohols and signature drinks.

Our bar is also a paradise for lovers of good drinks and trying out different alcohols. Our bartenders prepare both classic cocktails and original compositions with passion, which will surely delight you. A rich selection of wines, whiskies, rums, regional liqueurs, and beers from the Ustroń Brewery, from our neighbor, because as we often say – we get along well with our neighbors.

And if you choose something "ours," you decide whether it will be "Slow Raspberry" or "Where the Pines Grow," and although we know these names tell you nothing, their ingredients will only be revealed by our drink menu. However, we warn you that it’s WORTH IT!

For every season!

For every season!

And not just that. If you want to work – in the morning hours, you will find quiet and power outlets built into the couches. If you come with a child – ask the baristas for coloring books; it will ensure you a few sips of coffee in slow motion.

If you want to escape reality – choose a book from our library. You can transport yourself into a world of fantasy, delve into a bestselling romance, or climb a mountain peak from your "MUST" list.

In summer… …we recommend our lemonades. Take the first sip on the terrace, and the next on a deck chair at our beach right next door. And again – if you are with kids, they will surely be delighted with the ice cream, and the cool water of our swimming pond underfoot.

In autumn… We enjoy the last warm rays of the sun, and after sunset, we settle on the couches. The cozy interior embraces us with warm colors, and conversations flow and flow… you won't even notice when your coffee cup is empty. So you order mulled wine, with which gossip tastes even better! P.S. White or red?

In winter… Apple pie, brownie, or honey cake – they all share a delicious taste and the fact that they are SERVED WARM. Perfect for this time of year when we need sweetness as much as the sun's rays! We bake these delicacies ourselves and wait for them all year long! So if someone doesn't like winter, this is one of the reasons to start liking it, definitely. Additionally, warming teas, our own original recipes – you have no idea how far the imagination of manager Asia and her wonderful baristas – Kinga, Basia, Karolina, Martyna, and Zuzanna – extends, whom we now introduce and say – see you soon!

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